AIITK:: Text Generation Voice Transcription Text-To-Speech Image Generation

Getting Started

This page shows how to get started using AIITK. It covers the basics of implementing AIITK in your projects, finding blueprint usage examples, and understanding the core features.


To find examples packaged with the plugin please enable plugin AND engine content to be shown in the content browser. Additional examples can be found in Discord: AIITKSupport Discord Server


The AIITKComponentBP is a subclass of AIITKComponent intended for use in Blueprints. This is meant to handle hooking into the generation response delegates automatically and providing events that fire with the relevant response information/content. With this you can attach AIITK functions to any actor in the game world. You are not required to use this component to access the plugin’s functions. If you would rather bind to the response delegate directly or create your own AIITKComponent subclass you can do so.

Sending a Request

After adding the AIITKComponentBP to your actor you will find generation requests in the drop down within the context of the component. Use the AIITK group if you would rather handle the response delegates manually.


You will find structs relating to the request parameters for each service.

I would recommend promoting the request params struct to a variable for easier readability and control.

For a comprehensive list of the proper usage of the request parameters please refer to the respective official documentation: